Storage Wars! Dropbox Vs. Google Drive

Google recently released their newest product, Google Drive. Which is very similar to Dropbox, Too Similar. So I’m here to show you which one is better. Round 1 – Paid Storage Costs Dropbox currently offers: Storage Monthly Rate 50 GB $9.99 100 GB $19.99 +200GB $200 1 TB $795(per year)   However Google Drive Offers: Storage Monthly […]

Google Maps Now Supports Multiple Routes In iOS5

Another cool new feature in iOS 5 is multiple routes in Google Maps.  When you enter an address and then get directions it will display  3 different route profiles to choose from. There may be more than 3, but 3 is all I have seen.  You can select the individual route profiles and it will […]

BREAKING: Google To Launch Music Cloud Service Today

Well it looks like Google is rushing to beat Apple to the punch. It seems as though Google is going to launch Google Music today at it’s annual Google I/O developer conference. UPDATE: CONFIRMED, sign up for an invite here Google will be taking the same approach to streaming music as Amazon. This means […]

Who’s going to buy (save) Sprint?

With AT&T-mobile on the horizon, Sprints stocks fell 15%.  That leaves them perfect for someone to swoop in and get a great deal on a network.  The question is, who?  Should Apple buy into the cell provider market?  They like to be in control of everything, and I would say this would put them in […]

President Barack Obama Says Meeting Was ‘Success’ With Steve Jobs; Other Technology Giants In Attendance As Well

Good morning everyone, well, as you know, President Barack Obama had a meeting with the nation’s most powerful technology CEOs. One of those in attendance was Steve Jobs. Now, after debunking The National Enquirer’s report that the pictures taken were of Steve Jobs, we see Steve Jobs at a high-profile meeting with the president. He […]

Apple To Sell 1 Millionth Apple TV Later This Week!

Hey guys, looks like the Apple TV is becoming a little more appealing to consumers because Steve Jobs’ favorite “Hobby” is about to sell it’s 1 millionth unit! That’s great! Now, why does this matter? It makes for a bigger market and a more viable market for content distribution and possibly application development. The Apple […]