iPhone SDK 4 Beta Released!

If you have a developer account the iPhone SDK 4 Beta and iPhone OS 4.0 Beta firmwares are available to download.  I will to a review on OS 4.0 soon and update this post with more details on the SDK.

Apple Gets Patent On Cover Flow

Apple patent number D613,300 was granted which is a design patent on Apple’s Cover Flow UI element. Since this is a design only patent and not a functionality patent, anything that looks substantially similar to Apple’s Cover Flow could be in trouble. Functionality can be the same but is cannot look the same design wise. […]

PRESS RELEASE: iPad Launch Day Live Coverage Rundown

Ok guys as you may or may not know, LEI Mobile and HMP Mobile are going to be streaming live coverage of the iPad launch from the Apple Store in Barton Creek Square Mall, Austin Tx. Now I figured that I should try to explain what to expect tomorrow morning. Brandon, thats me, will be […]

PRESS RELEASE: iPad Launch Day Live Coverage On The Streets!

Hey everyone! Well, today, we are extremely excited to announce that we will be covering the Apple iPad launch live! Now, we will definitely have pictures for you all of everything that’s going on outside at an Apple Store, but that’s not why I’m excited for Saturday! I’m excited because our very own Brandon Etheredge […]

LEAK: iPhone G4 Specs Revealed!

Hey guys, the iPhone 4 rumors and leaks have run rampant in the last 24 hours! Well, today we have a leak on iPhone OS 4.0 and the next iPhone! It seems as though multi-tasking will finally be in iPhone OS 4.0! I am expecting this to be announced in the next 2 weeks! 🙂 […]