Apple Files For “iTunes LIVE” Trademark

Apparently, today, Apple has filed for the “iTunes LIVE” trademark. Now, there is no clear, official, reason, but I think it’s safe to speculate that Apple will bring live concerts and music events to customers, live, from iTunes. I expect Apple to bring this to market in Q3 2010 during it’s September music keynote (along […]

LEI Mobile v4.1 Now Live!

Wow, is all I can say. We have been trying to push this update for weeks now on the App Store. It was rejected many times, left and right, mostly for stupid little things, but finally, the app is live! So why the big bother with releasing this update? This is a massive change to […]

AT&T Rips iPad Data & iPhone Exclusivity From Verizon’s Grasp

UPDATE: As of 1:08pm Central Time, Apple (AAPL), AT&T (T), and Verizon Wireless (VZW) stocks are down after this news has made its rounds to Wall Street. Expect this to be a trend tomorrow as well. Hey guys, well, today I recieved a piece of relatively frustrating news. It’s with regards to AT&T Exclusivity here […]

Seamlessly Embedded Heart Rate Monitor In Next iPhone

Looks like Apple just applied for another cool patent. They have had great success with Nike by tracking your runs, but now it looks like you will also be able to track your heart rate at the same time. This may make it into the next iPhone or even the next iPod Touch. Fingers crossed! […]

UPDATED: iPhone OS 4.0 Beta 3 Released

Head on over to the Dev Center if you are a registered user. No news on what has changed in Beta 3 yet. I hope that it is a lot better than beta 2. I had to downgrade back to Beta 1 as beta 2 was too buggy for my liking. If you still would […]

Apple Passes Motorolla, Now #1 In U.S.!

Hey guys. Some breaking news hitting our newsroom this morning. It seems as though Apple is now the #1 phone manufacturer in the U.S.! They have just passed Motorola. Apple sold 8.8 Million iPhones in Q2 and Morotola sold just 8.0 Million decvices. This is a huge day for Apple. A great acvomplishment indeed. Now, […]

Chopper 2: Very Cool Use Of iPad And iPhone

Chopper 2 looks very cool!  You get to control your chopper from your iPhone while you watch all the action on your iPad’s screen. This game is not available yet. It should be out later this year. As the game is still not complete, you can expect to see a few changes before release. The […]

AT&T Micro Sim And Full Sim Adapter

It looks like AT&T is making it easy to buy just one sim.  You get a full size sim with the option for a micro sim.  Once you punch out the micro sim though there is no going back. If you decide you want to take your micro sim out of your iPad 3G and […]

WWDC 10 Starts June 7th

Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference starts June 7th in San Francisco. Developers will get hands on information about the iPhone OS 4.0 and will also take part in the first ever iPad development sessions. We also suspect that Steve Jobs will have a keynote to announce the next iPhone that we have seen so much in the news lately. […]