Apple Released iOS 7.0.2 to Fix Lock Screen Issues

Apple just released a new update to iOS 7 to fix some lock screen bugs. It fixes bugs that could allow someone to bypass the Lock screen passcode, reintroduces a Greek Keyboard option for passcode entry, and possible other small bug fixes. Here are the direct download links to iOS 7.0.2. If you are looking […]

Review: Drinking GameZ: Beer Pong

Drinking Gamez: Beer Pong, developed by Appatheia LLC, is one of the best ways to practice your beer pong skills from anywhere with out the need of actual beer or a ping pong ball. When you first launch the app you will be able to star a single plater game, multi-player game, access the store, […]

Review: Learn Colors Free

Learn Colors Free, developed by Yaqoub Almarshad, is just one of a handful of children’s games he has developed for the iPhone/iPod Touch. Learn Colors Free is a fun and educational learning tool for children ages 4+. If you are looking for some apps to teach your kid colors, this app does a great job. […]

iOS 7 Beta 3 is now available to developers

iOS 7 Beta 3 (Build: 11A4414e) is now available to developers exactly 2 weeks after Beta 2 was available. We can expect to see about 5 beta versions before we get an iOS 7 GM download. iOS 7 is scheduled for a Fall release. a new version of Xcode is also available in the iOS […]

Review: Raindrop Rush for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

A friend of mine just introduced me to a very fun game for iOS called Raindrop Rush, developed by, Kimaniere Apps. It is a completely different game than anything out there and is super addicting. The object of the game is to control a raindrop as it is falling down the screen. On your way […]

Review: Baby Monitors for iPhone (2013)

So I got asked by a friend which baby monitor would I recommend that works with their iPhone. I found 3 of the most popular models to compare and take a look at. Baby monitors for iPhone are becoming popular nowadays. But, with the different brands that offer such gadgets, it is hard to figure […]

Lightning cable for $3.50 shipped on Amazon

Here is a great deal on some Lightning cables if you need some spares and do not want to pay Apple’s crazy prices. It is 4 feet in length, which is longer than the original Lightning cable. It has over 300 reviews with an average of 4 stars out of 5. BoxWave USB Lightning Compatible […]

Review: Weather and Clock for Kids

Weather and Clock for Kids, developed by Kidoteca, is exactly what it sounds like. It is an app the displays the weather and time for children using cartoon characters and animation. The included weather and clock applications that come standard on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPhone are somewhat boring, especially for kids. Weather and […]