T-Mobile My Account App Now Available For iOS

T-Mobile is on a big push to get unlocked iPhones onto their network here in the US. Although they don’t officially offer the iPhone, T-Mobile has been making lots of progress to make their network iPhone friendly while saving the customer lots of money over AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint. T-Mobile just released their My Account […]

Confirmed: Verizon iPhone 5 is UNLOCKED… But Wait…

We have received confirmation that the Verizon iPhone 5 is unlocked. This is great news for Verizon customer’s who are traveling overseas, but not so great news for T-Mobile or AT&T customers. The Verizon iPhone 5 is Model A1429 (CDMA model). What does that mean for AT&T or T-Mobile users? Well, you will be able […]

iPhone 5 model numbers

This page will list all of the iPhone 5 model numbers. The list is specifically for the US iPhone 5 models, but we would love to add international iPhone 5 model numbers as well. Please send us a message if you can help us update our list. We will update this list as we receive […]