Unlock Your AT&T iPhones On April 8th

AT&T will finally unlocked off contract iPhones starting April 8th. In order to qualify your account must be in good standing and you have to be out of your 2-year contract. Having an unlocked iPhone will let you use your iPhone on any GSM carrier in the world, including T-Mobile USA. Here is AT&T’s official […]

Do Not Update To iOS 5.1 Just Yet

[UPDATE] If you have a dyer need to restore your device, DO IT NOW while we’re still able to restore to 5.0.1. Remember, we can’t restore without Apple’s help just yet -_- Apple’s media event is about to start very soon and we are positive they will mention iOS 5.1 and most likely release it […]

Apple Now Selling Unlocked iPhone 4S

It is November, just as Apple said, they have released the unlocked iPhone 4S. There is currently a 1-2 week lead time if you order online. You may be able to pick one up sooner if you visit a local Apple store.The unlocked iPhone works only on supported GSM networks, such as AT&T in the […]

Apple Releases iOS 5.0.1 to address iPhone 4S Battery Issues

Apple has released iOS 5.0.1 which helps the iPhone 4S poor battery issues. The release also brings several other enhancements including multitasking gestures for the original iPad. – Fixes bugs affecting battery life – Adds Multitasking Gestures for original iPad – Resolves bugs with Documents in the Cloud – Improves voice recognition for Australian users using dictation iOS 5.0.1 […]

iOS 5 Now Available to Everyone!

Apple has finally released iOS 5 to the general public. This update is for the iPad 2, original iPad, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and third- and fourth-generation iPod touch. User will need to also download iTunes 10.5 and then check for updates. Please note that it may not be available to everyone just yet as […]

Unlocked iPhones Finally Sold In America!

Great news! Now that the contract is up with AT&T Apple can finally sell unlocked iPhones here in the US. The only 2 supported carriers in the US are AT&T and T-Mobile. T-Mobile does not use the same 3G frequency as AT&T so those looking to use an unlocked iPhone 4 on T-Mobile will be […]

BREAKING: iOS 5 Beta 1 Tethered Jailbreak Released!

It looks like The iPhone Dev Team has just released (at 3:52a.m.) a iOS 5 beta 1 compatible version of redsn0w for the following devices: * iPhone 4 * iPhone 3G S *iPad (1st generation) * iPod touch 4th gen * iPod touch 3rd gen Now, as I said before, this is a tethered jailbreak so […]