We are offering the first 50 people who donate $10 or more to LEI Mobile a development spot on our team. This will let you download and run all the beta versions that come out for iPhone OS 4.0 before the general public. If you would like this opportunity please donate and in the text box please leave your UDID. That is your iPhone or iPod Touch’s Unique Device ID. It is 40 characters long and can easily be found by opening iTunes.
One you see your iPhone or iPod in iTunes go to the Summary tab and click on Serial Number. It will then change to Identifier (UDID). Then click control c on Windows or command c on Mac. That will copy your UDID. Thats all we need to get you registered.
We appreciate your donations!
Also it seems as though Apple is having issues with Windows users. They are getting an error when trying to upgrade. Since this is for developers you will need some sort of access to a mac computer.
hey are there still spots left? if so i’ll do this as soon as i get home later this afternoon
Yes there are spots open.
how long is it supposed to take i e-mailed my UDID last night but i haven’t gotten an e-mail from apple or anything yet?
Sorry Chris it looks like your email got stuck in my spam. I will get you registered right now.
Do you have a spot left??
Yes joost
hey my developer log in isnt working. is there a problem?
reset your password
I am very thankful to this topic because it really gives great information ;`’