We are offering the first 50 people who donate $10 or more to LEI Mobile a development spot on our team. This will let you download and run all the beta versions that come out for iPhone OS 4.0 before the general public. If you would like this opportunity please donate and in the text box please leave your UDID. That is your iPhone or iPod Touch’s Unique Device ID. It is 40 characters long and can easily be found by opening iTunes.
One you see your iPhone or iPod in iTunes go to the Summary tab and click on Serial Number. It will then change to Identifier (UDID). Then click control c on Windows or command c on Mac. That will copy your UDID. Thats all we need to get you registered.
We appreciate your donations!
Also it seems as though Apple is having issues with Windows users. They are getting an error when trying to upgrade. Since this is for developers you will need some sort of access to a mac computer.
What’s next? I sent ur uuid number.
got it. Your email when to my spam for some reason. I will email you the details.
Lol sorry what’s next?
you will get an email from apple to register for a dev account and download the software.
Is it already jb
Yes but not available to the public yet!
Wud it be if I was to beta test?
it might be released soon. Only the iPhone deV team has it right now
Hmmm decisions decisions…
Am lost I download it but dosent do nada
You need to hold option and click update and the select the .ispw file you download.
finished the download…. now what?
You need to open iTunes on your Mac and connect your iPhone. Hold option down and click restore. Then choose the .ipsw file you downloaded. Then you wait till the restore is done.
Got it!!! for some reason I had to download it twice. But it’s on. Lol thank you
I wish I had 10 dollars right now 🙁
i would love to donate ten, but i only have nine dollars on my card…..does that dollar really matter??
and its is my account, if it matters
Percise. We will accept all donations 🙂
Are there still spots?
Yes we will update this post when they are filled
Money donated. Awaiting next step 🙂
you will get an email registration from Apple.
Awesome, it’s all up and running. Thank you.
How long does it usually take to get the email?
Not that long usually instant after I invite you.
Have you already had 50 donations?
Timothy not yet. As soon as we do we will update this post.
are the places full yet
Hi, I have donated and am just waiting for the next step. Many Thanks 🙂
do you have any more left…
We will update the post when we are out.
How is the 4.0? is it legit, and are there spots still open?
My only question is how well does it work cause I rely on my phone for everything. I want to o it because I work for best buy and being able to show customers the beta would be awesome
Yeah it is working really well on my iPhone 3GS. I rely on my phone for everything too and have not had any issues.
Hey man I just donated the 10 bucks but couldent figure out where to put my udid can you please email me so I can give it to you. I already donated
Is there any way to get it without sending my udid yet? I’m at work and can’t check unless there is a way
you need to load the firmware with itunes, so if you cant do that, there is no reason to do it now. Just wait til you are home then.
Sent money and sent you my UDID, hook me up!! haha
Hi i would like to donate.. How do i do it. I have paypal. Also are there any more beta downloads available?!
Just click on the paypal button. We will update this post when we run out of spots.
Hi, I just donated too. So am I supposed to get an email now? lol
Yup you will get an email from Apple soon.
Awesome! I just got the apple email, thanks!
Just DONATED!! I’m scared… i got windows -_-
Did it work for you using windows iTunes?
Anyone using windows iTunes successfully upgraded?
What number was I getting the 4.0 from ur donate. 🙂
Not sure…
Keep those donations coming guys. 🙂 We needz iPad! lol. 😀
Alan get the 3G iPad !!!!!
Has anyone who is using windows iTunes successfully upgraded?
Donated. 🙂
Waiting for the E-Mail.
Just donated, waiting for email
email me your UDID!
I want in, is it full yet?
want in, any spots left?
Yes there are a few spots left. We will update the post if we are full
hey you still accepting ?
I would like to know too 🙂
i Got Windows Is Bad?
Hi 🙂 just wondering… are there any spots left?
If there are i would love one for 10$ 🙂 and to what mail do i send my UDID?
Have not tried windows itunes… Im trying to find someone with a newer mac.. Dont wana screw up the install
P.S. My iPhone survived full immersion in a swimming pool.. Blow drying the inards and bowls of dried rice for three days… I love this thing!!
ah well… now i donated the 10$ 😛 hope u got more spots… found out where to put the UDID.
Jose you will need a mac to load the firmware but you can sync on windows.
how can i do that?
woot? i only got windows 7… so i cant use the 4.0 beta then?
when do I get the mail from Apple? it has been a few hours now
Sorry i was in an internet dead zone.
No problem. Got the beta now. But cant i in any way install it on my iphone if i dont have a mac?
No, for now. 🙁 I had the same problem, I had to install the beta on my phone using my friend’s Macbook.
That sucks : / apple ftw
Even on Mac, use Latest iTunes i.e. v9.1 or you’ll get error no. 2005. 😀
Ok i got it to work from windows 7… but there is no way around it… it requires alot of reading!! but there is alot of guides out there
How did you get it to work… are there any links I could check out that have instructions on how to get the firmware installed using windows 7?!!!
You can get a copy of vmware for free and then install osx as a virtual machine. You could also take your iPhone and a pen drive with the firmware on it to a best buy or apple store and do it in store.
Hi. Do you have any spots left?
does OS 4.0 work on 2nd gen ipod
Yes and 3rd Gen
hey guys i really screwed up!! i updated my fw to 4.0 and now it says we are unable to complete your activation. WHAT DO I DO??? II know i need a spot on your developer team. Please hheelp
Just donated, very exciting.
Can’t install with snow leopard and macbook pro 2008 model (before unibody),
Itunes crashes when verifying update with apple server, any thoughts or tips?
make sure you have the latest version of iTunes installed.