Ok the repo actually works now with these new packages, but Cydia will continue to say you have a Package Update, just ignore it until we find an actual solution for MMS, then I will post instructions and remove the other packages.
Ok for those of you on Simple Mobile who have been having MMS issues we have 4 new packages that may help. Install only one at a time, reboot, make sure your APNs say “simple”, and try to receive pics. If that doesn’t work uninstall the package, reboot, then do the process over again.
Customer Support says the iPhone isn’t capable of receiving picture messages which is utter nonsense since the only thing you can’t do is FaceTime on GPRS 😛
An answer to this MMS issue is somewhere and since none of us here at LEIMobile have Simple Mobile it’s hard for us to test so email me your results as you try each package so we can find the right settings.
Good Luck All
Incoming search terms:
- leimobile repo source
- no subject The media content was not included due to a picture resolution or message size restriction
- simple mobile picture messaging iphone
- simple mobile update
- simple mobile picture messaging fix
- cant receive picture messages on iphone 4 1
- simple mobile the media content was not included
- simple mobile not receiving mms
- simple mobile picture mail
- the media content was not included due to a picture resolution simple mobile
ok seems the fix didn’t work as well as thought …i just tried another solution and this one seems to work but only for few people I have tried to txt pic..one erro message was sent to me “no subject The media content was not included due to a picture resolution or message size restriction” here is what i did to get it some what working with sending pics
as mentioned this is for iOS 4.1 I’m running 4.2 iPhone 3G
add these sources
Install iphonedelivery from “http://iphonedelivery.advinux.fr/cydia” source
install the T-Mobile US MMS Fix from “http://cydia.pushfix.info”
Then i rebooted when prompted by Cydia
Now go to setting/general/network/cellular data network/
make sure the settings are as follows: (mine were already filled in, i just had to add “smpl.” to the beginning of the MMSC address, if the settings are not automatically filled in u may want to reinstall the t mobile fix, something prob went wrong with the install)
Cellular Data
APN: simple
user: (blank)
pass: (blank)
APN: simple
user: (blank)
pass: (blank)
MMSC: http://smpl.mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc
MMS Proxy:
MMS Max MSG Size: 1048576
MMS UA Prof URL: http://www.apple.com/mms/uaprof.rdf
Worked for me and i am using an iphone 2G. Many thanks you the best.
Worked great, thanks for the info. Iphone 3gs 4.1
I have s-mobile for 4 months – working 100%!!!!
I have tried everything… and this works….
Leimobile: http://beta.leimobile.com/repo/
Add it to cydia (Sources) and download:
Simple Mobile MMS Fix
Reboot the iPhone and you are good to go!
They also have an (ALT) Simple Mobile MMS Fix Also…
for the ‘JUST IN CASE’ Modi…… They Both worked on
my Iphone……
Note: using iphone 4 iOS 4.3.3 (8J2)!!!
Sent from my iPhone 3Gs Model MC136LL (16 Gig)
Thank you David! After hours of googling online, I finally stumbled upon a recent post about this (yours) and my iphone is now receiving mms pic messages!
Thanks David a lot worked for me, after hours searching to fix this.
update for simpleMobile users only to get MMS working sending txt pics iPhone 2G,3G.4G
important download this plist file and remove “simple” from it drag it into Preferences chose to replace file…then add the info below into settings(Cellular data network)
You will need to place the override plist for Simple Mobile in /var/mobile/Library/Preferences com.apple.mms_override.plist Make sure you REMOVE SIMPLE from the file name. So save the file as com.apple.mms_override.plist
add this to your settings General,Network cellular Data Network:
usename (leave Blank)
password (leave blank)
?Mmsc: http://smpl.mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc
?Mms proxy:
?Mms max: 1048576
?Mms ua prof URL: http://www.apple.com/mms/uaprof.rdf
reboot iphone and enjoy MMS
Jonny COOLBEANZ I’ll be trying this tomorrow how you tried it? does it works 100%?
these worked for me on iOS 4.2.1
iphone 3G 100% no need to replace any files
use these settings in your Cellular Data network
Apn: simple
usename (leave Blank)
password (leave blank)
Mms proxy: max: 1048576
Mms ua prof URL: http://www.apple.com/mms/uaprof.rdf
power down… then power up iphone and enjoy MMS
use these settings in your Cellular Data network
Apn: simple
usename (leave Blank)
password (leave blank)
Mms proxy:
Mms max: 1048576
Mms ua prof URL: http://www.apple.com/mms/uaprof.rdf
power down and power up iPhone
I really want to try this for a friend she’s been having mms problems for over a year now and the places she taken her phone can’t do anything about it placing this plist file in the the phones root sounds like it’s something it might work but she hasn’t brought me the phone so I can get my as s to work lol