NoAccSplash Released


For up to date information about NoAccSplash goto NoAccSplash Info


If you’re like me then you HATE the above image showing on your iPhone or iPod Touch more than that pesky email saying your wife just overdrew your checking account 😛

If you are running a jailbroken iDevice on iOS 5.x then your in luck. I’ve written a Tweak that will make this screen go away and give you back your iPod controls so you aren’t just limited by the controls from the accessory you are using. Give NoAccSplash a try in our repo, NoAccSplash is live on the BigBoss Repo

This is iOS 5 only!! If you are on 4.x or 3.x there is a Tweak called NoAccessorySplash that will work on those firmwares. Also, send any bugs to brandon [at]


Incoming search terms:

  • no accessory splash ios 5
  • noaccessorysplash ios 5
  • noaccessorysplash
  • no accessory splash ios5
  • no accessory splash
  • ios 5 no accessory splash
  • No acc splash
  • ios 5 noaccessorysplash


  1. Daniel says

    Fantastic. I used “NoAccessorySplash” on ios4 and have missed it since upgrading. A simple but very valuable tweak when in my car.

    Thank you.



  2. tme420 says

    I downloaded today the NoAccSplash from bigbossrepo and tried again to play my movies or music over my JVC avx 740.. but the accessorie sign is still there..i got an iPad 2 wifi

    pls help us, your noaccsplash works perfectly on my iphone but not for my ipad

  3. francisco says

    It works fine with my iPhone 4S when the iPod is playing in the horizontal but when it is in landscape mode then it stops working.
    If I put it again into horizontal mode it will work again but if you turn into landscape mode stops working again.

    Some problem definitely with the landscape mode

    But an awesome tweak.
    Already one of my favorites

    Thanks mate

  4. Mike says

    Thank you for this!!! This is awesome I hated that lock out screen. works on the iPhone 4S 5.1.1. Siri does not respond but no big deal.

    • says

      Yea, i assume whatever is blocking Voice Over and Spotlight from working right with an accessory plugged in is also true for Siri -_- which i have yet to find

  5. maneavel says

    NoAccSplash was working really well with my Parrot mki9200, but i changed my car and it’s not working with my new autoradio (Audi MMI).
    I’ve tried to uninstall NoAccSplash but it didn’t solve the problem, the “Accessory Screen” still doesn’t appear.
    I’ve installed the application again, i’ve try to disable the tweak in “Block Accesory Screen” in the NoAccSplash settings, but i couldn’t get the “Accessory Screen” neither…
    Is there a way to disable the tweak using command line?

    • says

      Disable the tweak by uninstalling it? thats about as disabled as it can get. I am guessing the reason the “Accessory Screen” doesn’t appear when the tweak is gone is because that is one of the few stereos that does the job right.

      So pretty much you want the Accessory Screen to show and lock you out of the iPod app?

      • maneavel says

        I try my new stereo with some other iphones (3G and 4), and they are working well with the stereo (showing de “Accessory screen”).
        Mine, a 4S, didn’t show the “Accessoriy screen” anymore, even with NoAccScreen disabled or desinstalled.
        Love you tweak, but my stero doesn’t!!

  6. dalifr says

    I just JB my iPhone 4 in 5.1.1 (9B206) and cant make it work…

    Any idea why?

    Thanks a lot, being using it since iPhone 3G

    • says

      Did you make sure its turned on in Settings -> NoAccSplash?

      Are you using it with a different stereo then you did before?

      Is MobileSubstrate crashing?

      • Dalifr says

        I just needed to turn it off and on again and now it’s working.

        Love your work, greetings from Mexico.

  7. George says

    Hello Brandon,

    I am yet to test this on a BMW f20, but was wondering – I believe when I connect it without the tweak I get the splash screen, but am not 100% sure if I can control the music through the car. Now with your tool, will the car be able to control the music, as well as me controlling it from the iPod App, or is it just the iPhone and no controls from the car?

    Thank you!

  8. says

    I rejoiced that this would prevent “This Accessory is Not Supported” pooping up on my iOS 5.1 iPad v3. It’s a particular pain if using USB to record something, as it can kill the recording!
    It seems, unfortunately, that installing noaccsplash is not preventing this problem. Is this a known issue?
    Sincere thanks…

  9. Mike says

    That is not the intended use. The tweak allows you access to the the music controls etc when you device is plugged into a car that has iPod / iPad integration. With out this tweak you get an “accesory splash” screen. This bypasses that.

  10. says

    Thanks Mike – I ask because I’ve seen the original iOS4 implementation (which Brandon took over and recoded for iOS5) described as preventing the “This Accessory is Not Supported” pop-up.

    Was the post I saw incorrect and this was not implemented even in iOS4? Do you know of anything else which can resolve this?

    As I mention above, it’s not just the irritation of having to dismiss the pop-up but the fact that this stalls recording-in-progress using USB audio adapters, so one has to wait several minutes every time one plugs one in and then dismiss the dialog before starting to record – a major PITA!

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