If this tweak helps you in your everyday life, please consider donating at the bottom
UPDATE: Currently Apple has fixed the need for this tweak so development has been suspended until the need arises.
NoAccSplash’s aim is to allow playback controls to remain active on an iOS device when connected to an external accessory that ordinarily locks playback controls because the manufacture thinks you would be using the accessories built in controls instead. This tweak should at minimum allow you to use Music playback controls found in the Music app, SpringBoard’s AppSwitching bar, and the lock screen. The original incarnation of this tweak was called NoAccessorySplash which currently works for iOS 3.x and 4.x and was made by a developer named Jack Norris. I have no affiliation with him and merely took over this tweak to further its development to get it iOS 5.x ready. This tweak is open sourced on Github so if you know what you’re doing then you can do what you want with it. Currently NAS will be hosted on theBigBoss Repo free of charge.
- Allows Playback controls in SpringBoard and Music app (when otherwise blocked)
- Works for iPod/iPhone/iPad on iOS 4.x ,5.x and 6.x
- Allows viewing of Videos with the audio routed through the accessory
- Preference panel to switch some features off
- Add so selections from SpotLight actually play (Maybe get rid of where you select and it goes in and plays only that Artist?)
- Add so selections from VoiceControl work (Again, get rid of where you select and it goes in and plays only that Artist?)
- Add so AutoPlay doesn’t happen (You plug in and immediately Music.app plays, change to whoever had MediaPlay last)
- Some apps like navigation apps, stop playback altogether to make a voiced announcement. (Continues playing after, without tweak)
Version 1.7: Brings Preference Panel to switch mainly Video features off.
Version 1.6: Brought iPad 5.0.1 support, Global Videos support, and synced these features with 4.x compatibility
Version 1.5: Brought backwards compatibility for iOS 4.x (broken on repo but will be fixed in the next update)
Version 1.0: Initial launch, just brought back playback controls for Music app in iOS 5.0.1
Find NoAccSplash on Github: https://github.com/truehybridx/NoAccSplash
If you would like to beta test the current, non-public version email brandon@leimobile.com
Incoming search terms:
- noaccsplash ios 6
- noaccsplash ios6
- App Version: 1 5 0 Device Info: iPad4 iOS 6 000000 SWRVE: cb427c866add74883366559cfb4744f2
dear brandon,
please help us iPad 2 users!
An update (1.6-1) has been submitted to the BigBoss Repo, should be live within the next day
Jailbroken iPad 2, IOS 5.0.1, HU Alpine IDA-X305s, works great, thank you!
NoAccSplash 1.7 is now live on theBigBoss repo…. It brings a preference panel where you can turn off the video so it will display on external devices again
Thanks for your work on this app, I’ve been using it for a long time and it has been one of my favorite apps. I did a re-jailbreak about a month ago with redsnow’s newest version and it hasn’t worked for me since. Any ideas?
it should just work.. what version are you running of iOS
5.0.1. Here is what I just tried doing, but it did not help:
– Uninstall NoAccSplash 1.7-1
– Re-jailbreak with redsn0w_win_09.10b5c
– Install NooAccSplash
– I then tested it in my car and got the dreaded “Accessory Connected”.
This app needs more publicity! The only thing we need now is the AutoPlay disable feature to work!
Excellent work though doesn’t help my specific situation quite. Fix the autoplay though and you’ll be a lot of folks’ hero!
What is your specific situation?
I use a Kenwood headunit (with 1/8″ aux input as well as USB ‘ipod/iphone’ input). The splash has never been an issue with this unit and my iphone. The autoplay of the music is though. I found out about the NoAccSplash searching for fixes to THAT problem and I see it’s bullet #3 on the ‘To Add’ list.
I did a (very) little digging on the plists on my phone hoping that would be some simple to toggle. Alas, no. Anyways, get this fixed and I have a VERY useful iphone enhancement (and would of course be happy to donate for that fix!).
Regardless, good work to the community.
Trying to get passed forgotten pass code without loosing everything
You are my hero, my mobile savior and my new best friend!
I went cheap and bought an inexpensive ipod integration device for my 2002 Acura TL that plugs into the back of the OEM audio unit. Sounds great, but I cannot control music playback. All I could do was start the play and plug in the iphone, only to see the fugly “Accessory connected” splash screen. I’ve been finding ways to go around the problem since, but your solution is THE solution and not a work around. Thanks!
Hi Brandon
iPhone 4S user here. iPod app works fine when playin in horizontal but I’ll get a STUCK SCREEN every time I put the phone into landscape mode.
When the screen is stuck I flip the phone back to horizontal an it starts to work again but if I put it into landscape the screen will freeze again
Anyway is already one of my favorites tweaks
Thanks mate
Interesting… Ill have to take a look at that
I’m sorry, but I’m not understanding what to download on my Windows PC to install on the iOS 5.1 iPod Touch? What to I click to download? How do I install it?
My iPod Touch used to work in my car stereo interface, but now I get this lockdown screen. This site seems to have a solution, which I’d be interested in donating to, if it work. Help 🙂
Open Cydia and install NoAccSplash?
There should be no PC involved unless you are jail breaking and this isn’t exactly the thread to be asking that in ;P
What is Cydia? My ipod touch is not jailbroken, but I would like to workaround the “accessory connected” no access problem. What can I do to resolve this?
Cydia is the “AppStore” that came before Apple launched the iOS AppStore. It is installed by jail breaking your device. But since your device is on 5.1 you will have to connect your iPod to your computer and run a program anytime you wanted to reboot… If you are OK with that go to the following link for a guide on jail breaking, then you can installed NoAccSplash from inside Cydia.
Hey Brandon, Do you have any problems with the pause button/control on the iOS device? I’m using the 4s. It will not allow any pause control. It stops for a sec then auto plays (4s 5.1.1.) Only reason I ask is it prevents the use of internet radio. I can sometimes get around it by turning off the car stereo, starting winamp, then turning the car stereo back on but like i said its iffy. Thanks
Helle the App is wunderful, but i have One Problem. In the Music App its ok but in 3de app (navigon)
I can’t Control the music app! What can i do
Any updates for ios6?
Thanks for the awesome work by the way.
i tested briefly on iOS 6 and it works, not sure about iPad users though
Hey Brandon, awesome app! Do you have any plans to add the ability to remove splash screens (mine is a JVC car stereo splash) from the Pandora app? I’ve seen a couple people on reddit asking the same question. Thanks so much for making this app and putting it on bigboss FREE. Stellar.
Just because: I’m on a 4S running 5.1.1.
Can you email a picture of this splash screen?
Last i checked i dont get a splash screen so im not sure if Pandora can be fixed :/
I think it might be generated by the stereo. It is a very different splash screen than the music.app. When I initially connect the cable it shows the same screen with simply “Accessory” in place of the “JVC” you see in the picture. I tried to get a screen cap of it but it’s only on for a sec before switching to JVC. If nothing can be created it’s no big deal! You’re awesome!
I rejoiced that this would prevent “This Accessory is Not Supported” pooping up on my iOS 5.1 iPad v3. It’s a particular pain if using USB to record something, as it can kill the recording!
It seems, unfortunately, that installing noaccsplash is not preventing this problem. Is this a known issue?
Sincere thanks…
I can’t download the application. I open the application app store on mu iphone, i wrote noaccsplash on the search place. And its writting : no results for “noaccsplash”. How can i download it ? Pleade help me
I can’t download the application. I open the application app store on mu iphone, i wrote noaccsplash on the search place. And its writting : no results for “noaccsplash”. How can i download it ? Pleade help me
I can’t download the application. I open the application app store on mu iphone, i wrote noaccsplash on the search place. And its writting : no results for “noaccsplash”. How can i download it ? Please help me
you have to jailbreak your iPhone/iPad then download it from Cydia not from App Store
I hope i never have to see someone pretending to have that on the AppStore… there’s already been scam versions of SBSettings and Inteliscreen on there by some miracle, and they had fake reviews to boot
I have iPad1 and head unit alpine iDA-X305S, can u help me if i wanna control music & video play from ipad? Plse Thx
umm.. what ios version?
what have you tried so far?
i’ve ios 4.2.1, 5.1.1 (9B176)jailbreak by redsn0w.
I try to install noappsplash, noaccesorysplash & no accesorysplash IOS4, but the display is same not work..some times can work just for video, but not for audio…Thx
i’ve ios 4.2.1, 5.1.1 (9B176)jailbreak by redsn0w
Tried w/ iOS5.1.1iPhone and MINI Countryman, Wired-Pack+Visual over Y-cable.
It overrides the splashscreen but there is no sound. Any ideas?
Tried to email, but doesnt exist…
Are you using the stock system in the Mini?
Whats this Wired-Pack+Visual over Y-cable?
Hi Brandon, I tried to use it on my iPad 4. Both not working. I’m currently using 3rd party lightning cable.
What iOS version?
Can you email me a screenshot of your Music App while connected?
Thanks for the prompt reply.
Email sent. Subject is “Maellen”.
Works great on IOS 6.1. Has anyone found a way to disable the auto play yet? I think Siri would work if she wouldn’t get interrupted by the autoplay feature. Thanks again Brandon use it everyday. I donated and everyone else should.
Works great on IOS 6.1. Has anyone found a way to disable the auto play yet? I think Siri would work if she wouldn’t get interrupted by the autoplay feature. Thanks again Brandon!
I’m on iOS 6.1.2 and I was wondering if there will be and update to this app for it to work on this firmware
As of 6.1 Apple has removed the splash screen from the Music app (which was the primary purpose of NAS.)
Any future updates will be to hopefully address Pandora (if possible, currently unlikely)
Is there any chance of an update to be compatible with the Pandora iPad app? Just finished a car audio install of the iPad mini with a Sony MEX-BT3100 (which is hidden behind the iPad) and I can’t control Pandora from the iPad, I get this “Pandora – accessory” screen. Sort of defeats the purpose haha. Thanks Brandon!
I have yet to get access to a stereo that makes that splash appear, so ive had no luck with the pandora app.
In the future i may upgrade to a stereo that has “Pandora Support”
Right now ive just been telling people to email pandora and complain that the screen is useless
Right on, I’ll try that. Thank you for the quick reply!
I have ios 3.0.1
Any chance i can get an older version compatible with that? 3.0.1 perhaps?
I believe NoAccessorySplash is available from ModMyi that covers 3.x
I changed my source to modmyi and found noaccsplash there. It worked great! Thanks!
Trying to install on 2nd gen ipod touch running 4.2.1 and greenpois0n jail break. Cydia gives cannot comply error
Well the package is still good, IDK why cydia is saying that without any logs or images
Unfortunately I have the same issue with that version as well. Trying a different jailbreak
send an email thru cydia after you try to install, itll send out logs
just sent it. Thanks for the help!
Will this work on JB IOS 7?
I doubt it, I have not looked into anything with iOS 7 yet… If you have splash screens showing email me a screen shot for when I begin working on the ios 7 version I have something to go off of 🙂
Will you upadte this tweak for iOS 7? I really hate that Accessory screen.
Well I’m still waiting on someone to send me an image of that screen on iOS 7, I can’t recreate it using my stereos…
Actually it doesn’t seem like iOS 7 has that screen anymore.
Hello Everybody
Someone is able to tell if it essential for me tweak (all the time in my car) is compatible with ios 7 today. Brandon (our savior!), Are you working on?
thank you
It work perfect on my iphone 5s With ios 7.0.6 !