White iPad mini Sold Out in just 17 Minutes

If you are looking to get your hands on a white iPad mini this November 2nd, you are probably going to have to wait in line for one. The white iPad mini sold out in just 17 minutes and now has a 2 week backorder.

You can still pre-order the black iPad mini from Apple’s website with a release day delivery of November 2nd still. If you are waiting for the Wi-Fi plus Cellular version of the iPad mini, you will have to wait till it is released in the middle of November. We are not sure how many units Apple had available for the white iPad mini, but our guess is that they purposely have limited stock to build up hype.

Instead of everyone being able to pre-order, Apple has made it a point for gaining attention by having people camp outside of their stores for every major launch. Are you going to camp out for a white iPad mini?


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