Well, during the entire keynote, I was excited. Great feature, after feature, after feature. I loved most of the keynote.
All of the revolutionary new features: Multi-Tasking, folders, improved Mail, iBooks, enterprise stuff, preview of Game Center and iAd.
Well, its all fine an dandy… if you have an iPhone 3G S or iPod touch G3. I am furious right now. I have an iPhone 3G. Now, we will get everything, except the most important feature. Multi-tasking.
Now… I love the rest of the features, but I am considering not even attempting to update to 4.0 becauae without multi-tasking, its not worth my time. My feelings may change, but for the immediate future, nope.
Oh, and if you got an iPad, good luck with not multitasking or 4.0. You have to wait until September or October. Apple said “Fall” but come on, we all know when that is. iPhone OS 4.X for iPad will not be in the Summer, but in the Fall.
So here I am. Screwed. Whether I get an iPad (which I am pretty soon) or if I keep my 3G (and the iPhone 2G that I sold because I knew Apple would kill support for older models in 4.0). No multi-tasking for me. (Well, on the iPad, but guess who has to wait until September for that?! This guy.)
So overall, iPhone OS 4.0 is an amazing software release… if you have enough cash to have the latest and greatest iPhone or iPod touch. If not, you still get iBooks, new Springboard, folders, mail, iAds, and game center as well as the other (almost 100) features.
Come on Apple. Where’s the love? You just screwed all of us who bought your products before they went mainstream. Some say it’s because of the slower processor, but that’s not true. Apple wanta you to update to the latest and greatest.
If it were a processor issue, then 4.0 would be available for the iPhone 2G and iPod touch 1G. The iPhone 3G has the same components. Also, the iPod touch 2G is very fast as well.
So overall, the OS is near perfect. The thing is, I got a very bad after taste from this event being an iPhone 3G and future iPad owner. This decision will come back and bite them on the ass when more people hear of 4.0’s lack of support.
That’s all I have to say. If you are paid developers like us, go to developer.apple.com and get 4.0 beta 1 now. If Apple provided an “unlock” or if the Pwnage Tool is updated, then I may try 4.0 betas, but I really am angry right now.
Agreed. I don’t expect Apple to support my hardware forever, but I’m still under contract for my 3G. I expect support at least for the duration that I’m locked into my current device.
I suppose I’ll just have to keep jailbreaking, which I do solely because it allows multitasking (I like the other features but this is the one that makes it worth my time).
I should add that the irony here is that multitasking under jailbreak is more full-featured than what Apple will allow under 4.0, but all I really need it for is so I can reply to SMS messages without interrupting whatever I am doing at the time.
Yeah I Got the first iPhone on the day it was released and then when that contract ended the iPhone 3GS came out so I got that… I guess now I have to wait for the iPhone after the one that’s about to come out… AT&T needs a 1 year contract for the iPhone.
What is it with apple? They have the technology and a super-awesome product to use it. Through jailbreaking, it has been proven that the iPhone is capable of doing so much more than what apple is “allowing”. I just don’t get them. . .