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Many people have been asking for the MMS settings to use for T-Mobile. This will work on all versions of the iPhone and any firmware. Whenever you restore your iPhone you lose the settings and since T-Mobile is not an official carrier in the US yet, you will have to manually enter these settings in.
UPDATE: Please add our Cydia repo to find the iPhone MMS Fix for T-Mobile.
Our Repo is http://beta.leimobile.com/repo/
To install our repository you will open up Cydia. Click on Manage at the bottom. Click On Edit in the top right. Click Add in the top left. Type http://beta.leimobile.com/repo/ and then press Add Source. Then Click on the LEIMobile source and install T-Mobile MMS Fix.
Once you install the fix you will need to reboot your phone and go into Settings->General->Network-> Cellular Data Network and make sure the APN is correct for both your data APN and your MMS APN. All other settings as seen in the picture to the right should be filled in.
You will not have to do anything below if you followed the instructions above.
Our Tmobile MMS fix from our repo will support all iOS 4 firmwares: 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2, 4.1, 4.2.1, 4.3, 4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.3.3 and will most likely work in all other iOS firmwares. In order for MMS to work on non approved carriers you will have to jailbreak.
If the above fails, go to: Settings->General->Network->Cellular Data Network and enter these settings:
APN: wap.voicestream.com
MMS Proxy:
MMS Max Message Size:
Once you are done just reboot your iPhone and MMS should be working. If they are not working correctly try these settings:
APN: epc.tmobile.com
MMSC: http://mms.msg.eng-t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc
MMS Proxy:
MMS Max Message Size:
Reboot again and MMS should be working on your iPhone.
Navigate to /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/com.apple.mms_override.plist on your iPhone and edit the file by pasting whats below. You can download a program like ifile from cydia to do this.
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN” “http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd”>
<plist version=”1.0″>
After that reboot your phone, enter the correct APN settings, and everything should work.
Incoming search terms:
- leimobile repo
- tmobile mms settings
- tmobile mms settings iphone
- tmobile iphone mms settings
- iphone tmobile mms settings
- simple mobile mms settings
- mms settings for tmobile iphone
- tmobile iPhone settings
- tmobile iphone mms
- iphone mms settings
…. im about to run out of hair to pull (i still have some in my nose, but i hope you can help before i pull that)
I have an Iphone 3g, OS; 4.2.1 (8c148). BB; 06.15.00, jailbroken once with yellow snow (before all updates) and once with UltraSnow (after updating the OS & modem firmware as indicated above)
I have tried EVERY possible setting, fix, patch, etc, that i have found with no luck… >:( like i said im running out of hair to pull.
The interesting part is that though I follow all steps, i still do not even get the icon or any indication on my texts to add photos, or on my photos to send via MMS.
I am normally persistent enough that i figure out most phone/computer/hardware/software mysteries… this one has got me perplexed.
The only think i can think of now is to start from scratch using itunes and ignore the phone back up file (so no old strange settings manage to sneak thru).
Other than that well… perhaps prozac!
Any ideas and or suggestions are gloriously appreciated (unlike Steve Jobs). Thanks a mil!
u suck
this worked!!!!! fk yeah!!!
Ive been searching for months and finally found one! im non jailbroken using gevey sim and just put this in and it works!
APN: wap.cingular
MMSC: http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc
MMS Proxy:
MMS Max Message Size: 1048576
MMS UA Prof URL: http://www.apple.com/mms/uaprof.
txs 4 ur help i did it and work awesome txs again
brad thank you very much. long live the iphone
wait it didn’t work. it says “message send failure” please help??
if your signal is not the greatest this may happen just click on the red exclamation point and hit try again.
Hi, its not the signal. I rebooted and everything. but it still says “message send failure”
ok it actually works. apparently my recipient is not able to receive mms photo messaging……now if i can just jailbreak the iOs 4.3.5? I have downloaded redsnow but I cannot locate the ipsw file? any help would be appreciated.
Thank you so much! I’ve tried just about everything that I could on the internet & this was the only one that worked for me! You’re the best!!! YAY!!
same thing is happing to me on tmobile. Just left simplemobile and pic messaging worked fine!
i followed the directions, but i do not get mms.
i’m able to send them but not receive them.
i used to get the message that the file was too large, but now i get no message.
too lazy for shift key
Gentlemen, this works !!!!!!
you have to do something else: TURN ON DATA ROAMING, AND BINGO !!!!
YAY!!! thanks for your suggestion! I tried everything and when i turned on the cellular data, i started receiving picture messages someone sent me earlier in the day!. I used epc.tmobile.com on the APN and the cellular data section. Not sure if removing the information the cellular data section would make a difference. I’m just going to leave it alone since it’s working!
I got the same problem.
I don’t understand how to navigate on ifile…could you please explain?
Just like on a Mac or a PC. It’s the same way 🙂
I just inserted a t-mobile sim card with data plan on an iphone 3gs, and the internet works automatically, i did not enter the manual settings, i just left it blank.
so, i think this att and t-mobile merge is starting to take place at least in this matter.
Thanks for this article!!! Editing the plist file did the trick!! Hopes this helps someone.
i have an i phone 3GS and running 4.3.1 i can send pictures but when i receive it says that media content not included due to picture resolution or message size restriction please HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
Try editing the com.apple.mms_override.plist is stated above. I was getting that error too until I edited that file. Goodluck.
Try editing the com.apple.mms_override.plist is stated above. I was getting that error too until I edited that file and turning on DATA ROAMING. Goodluck.
Thanks guys for your help. My #gs is back in action.
Don’t know if it’s because of 4.3.5 but both sets of settings don’t work with the package installed. Worked fine with 4.3.3 before without any issues and the bottom set of settings. Wonder if the package is compatible with 4.3.5?
MMSC: http://mms.msg.eng-t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc
is wrong.
It’s supposed to be:
MMSC: http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc
There is not supposed to be 2 “-” hyphens in the URL. Only 1 inbetween the word t-mobile.
Well now i have a problem. I did the manual setting since downloading the fixer will pop an error. I have a 3gs 4.3.3 and I can receive mms ….I CAN”T SEND THEM…it will time out on me…and give me a failure to sent error…HELP!!!!
Thanks so much! I’m finally getting pics. Your last fix listed worked for me. =)
what did you do to get it working
Hey! First off thank you, I’m able to send an mms but when I receive one it says “The media content was not included due to a picture resolution or message size restriction.” How do I fix that?
Don’t use ultrasn0w if you are using Gevy 🙂
why not?
so what exactly do i need to do to send MMS and receive MMS? i’ve been seeing a lot. but 1 set of directions that have been proven to work would be great! thanks in advance
So I’m using a 4 on 4.0.2, jailbroken and unlocked with ultrasnow on Tmobile. For some reason when I use, or any other method I’ve tried, it ruins my unlock. I install the program, “reboot device” and…hold on…it’s doing something different possibly….okay so this time I did it with “Data Roaming” on…my unlock still works but settings still has no “Cellular Data Network”. I know where it should be, I’ve done this on my 3GS, but for some reason this isnt working for me. Any ideas?
also with iFile i dont even see “com.apple.mms_override.plist”
so i found it, did the edit, still no cell data network!
what is the max size of the message (i know you need a number)?
i tried the first set of setting and it worked for my iphone 4 4.3.3 !!! thank you so much
can someone please post MMS settings that have worked for their iphone 4? it would be super helpful! thanks in advance
the information above works on the iPhone 4.
i tried it on the iphone 4 and it didnt work so idownload the one from sinfulrepo
Hey I’ve been having problems recently with my Internet and mms. I recently upgraded fro
4.0 to 4.3.3 and Internet signal comes and goes. I am unable to send or receive.
I am unable to send or receive. iPhone 4 4.3.3 tmobile no gevey
MMS still not working done everything and no solution
Wait, this works really well, but how do I enable group message on tmobile? It used to work on the iphone 4 on ios 4.3.3, but now with a 4s on ios 5.0.1 does not, even though I do everything as I used to do it on the i4. Any help?
Ok I read some of these instructions but before I drive myself bald…
I just got an iphone 4 4.3.5 bb 4.10.01 unlocked with gevey. Unfortunately there is also a tethered jailbreak at this type for 4.3.5. Have few issues here.
1. Hardly ever gets signal. Have to follow the Gevey instructions which works whenever it feels like it. I cant restart the phone unless I jailbreak tethered (connected from a pc). Can’t get no internet or my mms to work. Found someone on craigslist to work on it. Dude basically robbed me for $90. Still dont have a fully functioning phone. He removed my jailbreak and just left the phone with the gevey. That worked for a day. No MMS and Edge was of and on or “no sim” kept on coming on.
I resetted the phone to factory settings, installed cydia from redsnow and after 1000 attempts got it to work (no MMS though). The minute that I lost signal, back to square one.
I dont know what else to do!!!??? This is a waste of a phone. Unless anyone here can guide me with what to do, I guess I will keep my MyTouch and stick to Android.
Hope I was clear enough, not an apple savvy.
*Willing to give donation if anyone can help*
Is any of the liquid damage indicators red? One is located at the bottom of the headphone jack and the second below the charging port right in the middle.
I’ve installed a Gevey Ultra on a customer’s iPhone with 4.3.5 and it worked right away with the manual 112 dialing process since it won’t work with a Jailbreak and no 112.
I have just gotten in programmable Gevey which should work with a Jailbreak and no dialing is required on 4.3.5. I have to program them and test it out.
Might sound like the Gevey you have is crap. Which version do you have and where did you get it from? Honestly now, doesn’t matter if you didn’t buy it from Apple-n-Berry. If you stick in an AT&T sim and it works fine, then there shouldn’t be anything wrong with your iPhone. Troubleshooting is required in order to find the problem. Just can’t say what it is without knowing more facts.
I had the same problem, just go to t mobile and get you a mini sim, and everything should work fine
YAYYYY this worked I was so sad I couldnt receive/send MMS. Thank you so much 🙂
which one worked Stacy?
If you dont have a data plan will you be charged?
I tried everything posted above and still… AGH! I am able to get signal and the T-mobile. No Edge and no MMS still!
Same problem
Hey I’ve been having problems recently with my Internet and mms. I recently upgraded fro
4.0 to 4.3.3 and Internet signal comes and goes. I am unable to send or receive. I’ve done the T-mobile fix for mms ios 4 which used to work on before I upgraded. Now I get a could not activate cellular data and safari could not open page no Internet connection. I get a message send failure when trying to send a picture. Has anyone found a fix.
I’ve tried
Cellular apn epc.tmobile.com
MMS apn epc.tmobile.com
Neither has worked when they used to.
MMSC and rest of options pre-filled with cydia repo.
Is there a currently problem with iPhone 4 4.3.3 on tmobile. My friends and I are having the same problem I don’t use the gevey sim they do though.
Can someone help. I’ve call Customer support and no solution.
Hey I’ve been having problems recently with my Internet and mms. I recently upgraded fro
4.0 to 4.3.3 and Internet signal comes and goes. I am unable to send or receive. I’ve done the T-mobile fix for mms ios 4 which used to work on before I upgraded. Now I get a could not activate cellular data and safari could not open page no Internet connection. I get a message send failure when trying to send a picture. Has anyone found a fix.
for the iphone 4 i think it wont work even if you jailbreak it. You need the gevey sim. have u tried the cydia fix? try using that one. add source its http://beta.leimobile.com/repo then T-mobile US MMS Fix.. and install and reboot it then. keep cellular data ON and maybe ROAMING. (try both on, if it didnt work for just cellular data) then it should work.
ok guys so after many hours of research and troubleshooting, I found these instructions tThere is a solution that is interesting that gets t-mobile MMS working
I have an iphone 4 running 4.3.3 bb 04.10.01 and this is how I got it to work (tested on 3 devices)
Step one: go into cydia and add the http://beta.leimobile.com/repo into sources (You must use this source)
Step two: find the T-Mobile MMS fix from that source and download it
Step three: Download TetherMe from any source (this is the most important step)
Step four: go into Settings > General > Network > Cellular Data network and change both APNs to internet2.voicestream.com (if your EDGE doesnt work do not change the APN for cellular data network)
Step five: If your EDGE doesnt work go into Safari on your device and follow the steps on Unlockit – APN Changer for your iPhone
After this your MMS should work after a re-boot, I would also suggest biteSMS as if the message fails the first time it will retry on its own, if not you can retry sending manually
Let me know if this works for you too
Confirmed: Works on 3GS and 3G thanks to some friends testing it out (Not tested below 4.2 yet)hat finally got my MMS to send and receive!!!!!!!!!!!! At one point I was only receiving. I did get my gevey card upgraded to turbo and was able to get everything else up and running. Hope this can help many of you!! I’m super excited!
Hey man, glad it works for you. I’m using similar iOS and baseband and I always get the message: “MMS Messaging Requires Your Phone Number” message that I have to override. MMS works, it’s just annoying have to click through this box every time to send a message! How’d you get around it?
Sorry, that didnt copy well. Here it is again…
There is a solution that is interesting that gets t-mobile MMS working
I have an iphone 4 running 4.3.3 bb 04.10.01 and this is how I got it to work (tested on 3 devices)
Step one: go into cydia and add the http://beta.leimobile.com/repo into sources (You must use this source)
Step two: find the T-Mobile MMS fix from that source and download it
Step three: Download TetherMe from any source (this is the most important step)
Step four: go into Settings > General > Network > Cellular Data network and change both APNs to internet2.voicestream.com (if your EDGE doesnt work do not change the APN for cellular data network)
Step five: If your EDGE doesnt work go into Safari on your device and follow the steps on Unlockit – APN Changer for your iPhone
After this your MMS should work after a re-boot, I would also suggest biteSMS as if the message fails the first time it will retry on its own, if not you can retry sending manually
Let me know if this works for you too
Confirmed: Works on 3GS and 3G thanks to some friends testing it out (Not tested below 4.2 yet)
ok im on 4.3.3 baseband 4.10.01 using tmobile unlocked with gevey sim ! i used the lei mobile mms fix when i first got the phone everything worked fine perfect then all of a sudden it doesnt work no more i keep getting a ” can not activate cellular data network” so i tried rebooting resetting reinstalling the mms and nothing , i tried the mms over ride ive tried every package out there and ive tried every apn settings out there and still nothing ! can anyone help me ? plz!!!!!!
I have a iphone an i can send picture messages but when i get them back it says “The media content was not included due to a picture resolution or message size restriction” so I really need help this is becoming a headache and if you can help can you make it so it works on any version of iphone.
Downloaded plistset.exe from the web for free. Copied the file like you said, backed it up, copy paste and replaced the file……rebooted…..wait for it….every thing is working!!!
I did the above and noticed my data and MMS APN are not filled in. Should I manually do that? For now I left it alone. Or should I use the alternative steps below? HELP! For some reason, I can SEND pictures, but cannot GET them. Thanks. -Lucy
Yes you manually fill in that part
Thanks so much. I think it works now 🙂 Is it necessary to turn data roaming on?
Yes. Some people have to.
Ok cool. I will keep that in mind. That solved everything – manually putting the APNs in. Thanks again!
k im on 4.3.1 baseband 4.10.01 using tmobile unlocked with gevey sim! I still can’t send or receive picture text
Thank you sosossososo much!! i got it to work! i can now send and receive mms!! im so excited!!!
Finally, a fix that works. You’re genius. Haven’t had mms since I jailbroke my phone almost a month ago. Extremely happy, easy instructions. The first setting didnt work, I had to go down the second option. Thanks again!
this also works on iOS 5 for Iphone 3gs 🙂
I have an iphone4 on 4.3.3 giving me one helluva problem. I’ve used these settings for many other 3gs and iphone4. This particular problem is related to the back-up image file (i believe). When I restore the iphone and use different back-up image (say jeffrey iphone), I apply the settings and the MMS works. But when I try to apply the phone owners back-up image (tammy iphone). The MMS does not work. I tried a different iphone 4 and had the same problem, when I used back-up image for jeffrey MMS worked fine, but when I used back-up image for tammy mms failed.
I have used every variation of t-mobile mms settings as well as tmobile us ios4 fix from both leimobile and pushfix. I also made sure to reboot after every setting change or ios fix installation.
This killed my iPhone on iOS 5. Don’t use this with that firmware!!!!
This killed my iPhone on iOS 5.
No it did not because it works for many others an I have personally tested it.
I just downloaded Beta LEIMobile from Cydia and install T-Mobile MMS Fix. And BAM! it worked perfect. Easy as 1-2-3. Didn’t have to touch settings either! Thanks LEI MOBILE!
I just unlocked my 3G 4.2.1 iphone and works good as new! Believe! Good-bye ATT! HELLO T-mobile and Jail-breakers! LOVE Breaking the law, breaking the law… judas priest! Outlaws forever, we ride…
im used 4.1 8B117 and i can send a picture but i cant recive nothing and the LEItmobile dosent work for 4.1 can u guyz help me
Thank you so much!!! I’ve spent days trying every fix, setting, and package out there. Once I uninstalled sinfuliphonerepo and installed your fix, “bam” MMS messages started flowing in after the reboot. My settings are as follows:
Data Roaming = ON
Cellular Data APN = internet2.voicestream.com
MMS APN = wap.voicestream.com
MMSC = http://mms.msg………….
MMS Proxy= same as your instructions
Max Size = 1048576
MMS US = http://www.apple.com………rdf
A side note….
I’m on a 3G running 4.0.2
Modem Firmware = 05.13.04
Running iOS 4.3.3, Firmware 4.10.01, GEVEY Ultra. Picture messages works like a charm! Although I get a message every time accessing my messages: “MMS Messaging Requires Your Phone Number” and I have to override this message every time. As most of you know, you can’t SAVE your number in the “My Number” Settings….
Unless someone knows how to do it, I’d be able to use FACETIME too! Any ideas on how to either hide this message or how to SAVE your number in the My Number settings? Thanks!
I did all the steps in all of these responses. I don’t have cydia, as this phone was unlocked and can’t be shut off (as per the person who unlocked it). I have tried to find cydia and couldn’t. Either way the problem is I can send mms to myself and to anyone and it works. But when someone sends it to me, i get the same message. “The media content was not included due to a picture resolution or message size restriction” . I’m at wits end. Can anyone make any suggestions?
Also, quickly I do have the data roaming settings and all exactly as you have recommended.
What is your firmware and do you know what was used to unlock?
I’m not tech savy, so I’m assuming your asking the version: It’s 4.3.5(8L) Oh I see the firmware option. It says 04.10.01.
I don’t know what they used to jailbreak it. Somebody did it for me and I can’t get a hold of them to ask. Thank you so much for your help.
The ifile worked perfectly since the cydia MMS fix is no longer available! Thanks
THANK YOU!!! This totally worked! Didnt do anything but like you said to do. Ive been looking for so long to get this right!