Ever wanted to document your entire life’s travel destinations and events? Well now you easily can with TRAVELOG- Travel Blog. This application will allow you to create a personal blog documenting all of your travel right from your iPhone.
Creating any type of website or blog can be difficult for some people. Most people have no clue where or how to start. Travelog makes it super simple to create your personal blog. Through their application and website you can easily discover, create, and share travel logs with other travelers.
When you first launch the application you will want to sign in with Facebook, Twitter, or an email address. Once you are logged in you can simply post a log of your current location. It will automatically find your location based on your GPS and map it for you. Next just simply type a description of the location and some other fun facts that you want to remember. You can then take pictures of the location and attach them as well. One nice feature of the camera function is that they have built in filters to make your pictures look more interesting.
You can then check into certain locations that are tied into FourSquare and share your log with friend’s via Facebook and Twitter. If you are interested in seeing what other travelers are doing, just click on the Discover tab and take a look at the Feed. You can follow people to see where they go and view their Travelog.
TRAVELOG – Travel Blog is currently FREE on the App Store and is worth checking out if you travel a lot and like to keep documentation of your experiences.
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