Review: StudyChat Japanese FREE – Learn Speaking Listening Game

StudyChat Japanese FREE – Learn Speaking Listening Game, developed by Guiix Pty Ltd, is a must have tool for anyone who is learning to speak Japanese.

The application is an animated flashcard-like game. Conversations are spoken between 2 characters and you can replay the sound in normal speed or slow it down. You will then have opportunities to correctly guess the right answer of the conversation. Once you complete the conversation you will get a report card. It will show how many you got correct, how many new sentences you saw, your level progression, and more.

There are over 1000 different combinations for every conversation and you have the opportunity to learn almost 1000 Japanese sentences. With just 14 simple conversations, you can gain a ton of new phrases in a short amount of time.

You can unlock all of the extra conversations for just $2.99, so if you need some extra help leaning to speak Japanese, be sure to check out this app. It is a fun way to make learning easier. Not only that but there are a ton of settings you can adjust and even create a login to save your settings to the cloud.

StudyChat Japanese FREE, like the name says, is a FREE application available on the Apple App Store. However, you do have options to pay for additional conversations (levels). Each conversation has numerous variations. As you learn new phrases, others take their place in the conversation. As the skill level of the player progresses, conversations slowly get longer. Check out their website for more information.

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