Scuba Log, developed by Capylabs, is a handy little app for anyone serious about scuba diving. It is basically the Foursquare of diving. This app allows you to easily log all of your dives so that you can review them at a latter date.
With Scuba Log you can even share your dives and interact with buddies. Scuba Log allows you to connect with Twitter and Facebook. Once you have completed your dive you can quickly tweet the details or post it on your wall directly from the app.
Since Scuba Log is so interactive you can tag people you are diving with and there is even a buddy feed, so you can quickly see what your buddies have been up to and where they have been diving. The app offers some very basic features when logging your dive including: Dive Number, Date, Site, Bottom Time, Depth, and the ability to rate the dive. In order to save more details you will want to upgrade to the Pro version.
The Pro version of Scuba Log allows you to save pictures, log visibility, gas, and temperature. You can even save your certifications so that you have them all in once place. Another cool feature is the ability to view a map of all of your dive locations throughout the world.
Scuba Log is currently a FREE application on the app store. If you want to get the most out of this app I encourage you to check out the Pro version. This will cost you just $0.99. Overall I would have to say this is a great app for anyone who is passionate about diving and wants to keep a dive log on their iPhone. It is very easy to use and the design is very well done.
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