5-in-1 Kids Pack, created by Bacciz, develops your children’s MEMORY, COGNITIVE, MOTOR, SPEECH, and LANGUAGE SKILLS while having fun! It’s so addicting, it’s the perfect game for kids of any age…& even for adults who like a challenge! 5-in-1 Kids Pack is based on the classic match game, but with totally unique twists! 4 different fun GAMES.
Thinking about investing a lot of money on expensive language-learning software? Get your toes wet with our affordable 99-cent app, which offers you 6 different languages to learn from…English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, & Chinese! While you play our games, you can choose which order the tiles are spoken in. Want to play just in English? No problem! Want to challenge yourself & do a combination of Japanese-French? Go for it! Become multi-lingual in no time at all!
It’s the perfect 5-in-1 educational tool created by enthusiastic parents, dedicated teachers, and fun-loving kids. This interactive game will engage & motivate children to learn anywhere, be it at home, in the car, at a restaurant, or on a plane!
This is an excellent learning tool. It teaches kids different languages without them even realizing they are speaking a different language. The only issue I have with it is that the people pronouncing the words are hard to understand at some times. I would also like to see the word spelled out or a way that shows you how to correctly pronounce the words. All in all this is a great app for teaching the youngsters!
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