Hey guys, well, moments ago, the iPhone Dev Team released their latest Pwnage Tool. This new Pwnage Tool works on all iOS devices (except iPod touch 2nd generation) since it uses both the limera1n exploit and Chronic’s untether exploit.
Also, they have perfected the jailbreak in order to fix the new iBooks update as well as the Apple TV Wi-Fi bug (Apple TV forgets what Wi-Fi network password is to be used after it goes to sleep or after a certain amount of time) as well as some other random fixes that should perfect the jailbreak and in turn, increase battery life. If you want the iBooks update fix, you should run the Pwnage Tool, or wait until Cydia 1.1 is launched.
I have been hearing a lot of buzz around Cydia 1.1 and I can’t wait for it to be released!
Here is what the iPhone Dev Team had to say:
PwnageTool also includes two very recent improvements to the 4.2.1 JB: iBooks was just fixed by @comex and @pushfix last night so that it works as intended on DRMed books, and the wifi problem on AppleTV 2G was fixed by @nitotv, @DHowett, and @saurik. Both of these fixes will also be available in upcoming Cydia package updates, so if you’re already jailbroken you can wait for those updates rather than restore and jailbreak again.
You can download the latest Pwnage Tool by clicking here!
I see a lot of success on JB’ing IOS devices but no unlocks. Is their a big surprise coming soon perhaps?
Well, unlocks are completely different than jailbreaks. The unfortunate part for those who need unlocks is this, Apple is shifting it’s security away from the jailbreak and focusing on the baseband. So I think we’ll see a lot more jailbreaks than unlocks seeing as their focus has shifted.
However, the Dev Team is making strides on a 4.2.1/4.3 unlock, but they will most likely not release it until iOS 5 or 4.3. If I were them, I would release it in the Summer or Fall when more people have the next-gen iPhone and a lot more people can use it since it’ll be on the latest version of iOS.
Is there a problem with Game Center? It hasn’t been working for me. Maybe y’all can find out?
What version of iOS are you on? I’m both on iOS 4.2.1 & 4.3 beta 3 with no issues.
4.2.1 I used greenpoison jailbreak maybe new pwnagetool will fix?
I am on 4.2.1 I used greenpoison jailbreak maybe new pwnagetool will fix?
Yep! I restored my iPad and I can see my battery life come back. 🙂
hey i have a question whats the best way to update my 3g to 4.2.1 and preserve the baseband i have windows so i cant use pwnage tool any ideas
Ummm if I remember there is a thing called XPwn, though it’s command line. Also, I think snowbreeze is another option. I would really rather have people get a friend to use their Mac and Pwnage Tool.
yea i know i wish i had a buddy with a mac because i know pwnage tool is alot better than snowbreeze but i guess thats my only option right now
I might be able to help you. Can u email me at alan@leimobile.com?