So for those of you that have downloaded Mac OS X Lion early please post you comments and bugs that you find below.
Incoming search terms:
- apple lion wallpaper
- OSX lion wallpaper
- mac os x lion wallpaper hd
- lion osx wallpaper
- mac lion
- mac os x lion desktop wallpaper
- lion key repeat
- lion os x wallpaper
- mac osx lion wallpaper
- os lion wallpaper
Hi, I started DLoading the dev preview of Lion and it got corrupted (“error…bla bla bla”). I tryied the posted fix but what it did was to put the downloading icon on the dock without anything downloading (it was always in “Pauses” state). So I decided to Cancel Download thinking that I might be able to re-download it in AppStore. Guess what? The AppStore shows the “Mac OS X Lion Dev. Preview” icon in purchased tab but no option to re-download, only the “Installed” button which cannot be pushed…Im desperate here :((( please help
Mine didn’t start downloading. However, I have the same problem. It shows in my purchased tab on the AppStore with an “Install” icon. Clicking on it doesn’t do anything. Tried everything (link in the website, clearing the manifest, logging out, restarting etc). HELP PLEASE!
Well the DL went through with no issue’s…I guess i was one of the lucky ones! I first installed it on a iMac 20inch late 2009 it had a fresh copy of 10.6 (Just 10.6) the Install took something like 4 hours!!! So while that sucker was installing I Installed 10.7 on a fresh partition on my MBP Mid 2010 See specs bellow . And again the install took for ever once it was done the first stage much like the new install style released with 10.6 it rebooted and ran through a very quick install from there then rebooted and I went through the Server Setup Tho I don’t recall wanting the server OS installed but That was my main focus anyways so maybe Apple has really done it! There computer’s can read minds hahaha…Looks over shoulder..So I started messing around with it now I have a rule to protect myself and my files I never play with computer’s after 3:30AM on a week day so by the time the computer was all up I could only mess around a bit…One thing i did notice it looks like Apple has tried to help with all of these DNS issue’s or rather just making it easier so the people who want a server but don’t want to know the nitty gritty can easily setup a MAc Server and have a working DNS! So right now I’m installing it onto a MacMini Server 2010 with 6gigs of ram and it seems to be going through allot faster! so finger’s crossed.
Sry for the lack of grammar…I fix computer’s I don’t write books lol
The MBP-
i7 2.66Ghz
500gig 7200Rpm
4gigs Ram
One Volume running 10.6.6 and the other is now 10.7
Sadly just like the 10.6 beta Apple Remote Desktop is not working 🙁
Been working with Lion since late last night, so Im still playing around with everything, but so far, overall it is a really good build. It’s a bit sluggish when performing some basic tasks (mounting a downloaded dmg) but so far, i haven’t found any huge problems with it!
installed in 15 minutes no problems yet other than the auto fill seems to not be working though it might just be me, but i like it so far.
everything worked like a charm. backed everything up and went for it on my daily machine. I’m pretty happy with it but it will certainly take some getting used to the new scrolling etc. some thoughts
– I don’t like that the little blue dots on the icons that are running went away.
– my vm ware fusion installation went tits up. that makes me sad for if not for that not working I would gladly have left the lion roaring as my full time os.
– the new mail app is the bomb! love the new features and look/feel
currently I’ve restored my backup and am reinstalling lion on a dedicated partitionnow I’ll see if I can make data and apps play nice across the great divide.
you can turn the little blue dots back on. Go to apple icon menu (top left) and go down to dock. Then click dock preferences. In the preferences, you can choose to turn the indicator lights back on. 🙂
Thanks Bob..
No problem! 😉
Thank you so much Lei Mobile, for Mac OS X Lion.
A couple of things I noticed while using Lion interface:
1) Switching to Dashboard (with multi-finger gestures) sometimes freezes causing your OS to stop switching back to desktop mode. Restarting your laptop helps you fix this issue.
2) Multi-finger gestures are not as accurate as a mainstream user would like it to be but I think Apple will fix this in the actual release.
Download took about 3 hours and installation on my May 08 MBP took about 30-45 minutes with no real issues. It seems a little slow at times; opening a folder on the desktop has taken up to 30 seconds, but that might have been related to Spotlight reindexing.
It seems there isn’t a way to remove empty pages from Launchpad, unless I’m missing something. To delete icons, hold down control+option+command+click (just now figured that out).
Three and four-finger swipes up and down seem to do the same thing. Or are Mission control and Expose the same thing?
No matter which screen I’m on, the menubar icon for Spaces says I’m on screen 1.
No real problems yet. Seems to be a good build.
I really love the new overlay-style scrollbar and full-screen options!
Everything worked fine for me. Install was very fast. The download took a while though. One of the first things that is rather irksome is scrolling. When I get to a web page or even within the OS I want the scroll to be like it always has been. I can uncheck “When using gestures to scroll or navigate, move in the direction of finger movement.” But then I have the pages do not go in the direction you swipe, they go the opposite. Maybe another setting or something. Nice rounded corners on windows, smaller buttons look good. Quick first impression for now. I have to mess around a bit more and see how it goes. I’ll be back!
So far love lion!
Looking forward to see what new tweaks and releases come out towards release time
MacBook Pro 2.1 Oct 2006 17 in 160 gb HD 2.5 gig ram Model A1212
Downloaded in 35 minutes, installed in 40 minutes. Over os 10.6.6
Opened in server and failed to open setup. error then restarted.
Opened Safari and could not type or paste in the Leave a Reply boxes or log-ins for bank.
Office 11 works fine
Started Firefox and it worked.
Restarted Safari and it worked properly. was 26 down and 9 up
Lion will not run Power PC software. (Bejeweled 2)
Scrolling is weird
Now can type in Safari but not paste from Word.
Restarted and still can type but not paste.
Opened Firefox, able to paste from Word
Then able to paste in Safari.
downloaded lion last night and installed it to a partition, it works way better than i expected it to be since its just a preview
great so far, but it reduces my MBP mid 2010 battery when i use it
Hey guys. Can anyone tell me how to remove something from the Launchpad? I deleted a few apps that didn’t have Lion compatibility but it still shows them on the Launchpad with question marks over them. I can’t drag them to the trash or right click them.
hold down control option command then right or left click, don’t recall which click did it. Can’t verify as I am restoring Snow Leopard as I write this
ive noticed a problem with screen saver when it starts either by waiting or using a “hot corner”. It will usually flash black & white horizontal bars or the desktop before starting.
I’ve seen similar when using a hot corner. I will get a vertical split screen sometime where I have 2 different halves of Mt. Fuji and other times I get horizontal bars but in color. I went back and forth in and out of the hot corner and crashed it.
Ok so I have been using Lion for about 1 day now. My first thoughts about the OS is, Amazing. There are a lot of features that I won’t even began to use. I like the bigger spotlight, Mission Control and the new UI. The launchpad and folders I believe will never use. no need to use them when I have folders in my dock. Everything so far seems to work great. The only problem I have run into was the backwards scrolling but that can be fixed by unchecking the first box in the trackpad settings. Overall I can’t wait for the final release.
Also on startup sometimes my menu bar does not show up. also hot corners sometimes don’t work.
Anyone notice how The airport name had been dropped and simply replaced as wi-fi
Anyone notice how The airport name had been dropped and simply replaced as wi-fi.
MacBook Pro 2.1 Oct 2006 17 in 160 gb HD 2.5 gig ram Model A1212
I cannot type in web page enty boxes in Safari Version 5.1 (7534.20.8)
I am inputting this into Firefox version 3.6.13.
Safari will sometimes allow me to type and paste after a restart, then after being open for a while, it will not type or allow pasting.
Now I can paste but still cannot type.
I restarted Safari and now I cannot type in the url bar.
Any one else seeing this problem?
Safari is not nearly as fast loading pages as Firefox.
Scrolling in Lion is getting to be more natural as I continue to use it.
Everything else seems to be working ok.
Over all it is a nice layout I haven’t played with it a lot yet one thing I can’t seem to find is airdrop I know it it should be in the finder window but it doesn’t seem to show
I have been wondering the same thing. It’s just not there. I can find all the AirDrop png files and icon but that is it. I have seen videos of it being used at 9To5Mac so what’s the deal?
FaceTime not working says no video camera, iChat works fine
Text/Images are offset from the cursor while dragging highlighted text/images in Safari
Also, sometimes webpages won’t scroll, have to refresh page for scrolling to work.
a few bugs i’ve noticed…
1) Safari after a period of time will sometimes not register keyboard inputs on any actual webpage (eg. youtube search bar on webpage). Using the address bar and search bar both continue working.
2) I think this is down to the ‘re-open applications on restart’. iCal would continuously reopen when closed. Was fixed by unchecking ‘re-open applications on restart’ and restarting the computer. Kinda hard when iCal wouldn’t close to let me restart.
3) Applications that have been removed and launchpad folders that have been created can’t be removed from the launchpad screen.
4) Renaming a folder for the first time crashes launchpad. Renaming it a second time actually works.
5) Happened once so don’t know if it really needs to go down. Extreme slow down at one point. Activity Monitor showed a process called ‘usersomethingorother’ using a gig of memory. Force quitting it fixed the slow down.
probably more but i can’t remember them ; )
Hh another thing.
Sometimes Safari will load a webpage but the actual page won’t refresh and will continue to show the previous webpage. Closing the window/tab will fix it.
I had the same issue. Restarting Safari fixed it for me.
iCal opening by itself again. Anyone with a fix?
I like it so far. With that said you can no longer set up a hot corner for spaces. The selection isn’t there anymore even though spaces i enabled. Also with spaces enabled you have to change the wallpaper on all your individual spaces for it to affect your desktop globally. I use the swipe method to go back a web page and now it doesn’t work, it changes spaces. It will take some getting used to and I’m sure the finished product will be different.
Also the horizontal stop lights are back in iTunes.
I really like Lion. Install was very smooth and took 27 minutes on my 2010 MacBook pro 13-inch. Initially, Bluetooth was not available, but eventually cam back after a power down, restart. A number of usability refinements and the scrollbars are a nice touch as well. Does anyone know how to do a clean install?
I did a clean install by booting to a usb volume with the install file. I then ran disc utility to reformat the internal drive and then installed it to that volume. It worked fine that way.
Been playing around with it some more, but I did notice a major bug, occasionally,if the computer freezes and then unfreezes, the mouse cursor disappears. If you move the mouse and click, it works, you just can’t see the actual cursor on the screen. The only way I’ve been able to fix it is by restarting.
Anyone else notice this??
Yes I get that happening too. Usually I can get the cursor back by clicking on the menu bar (which I have to find by just moving the mouse up at least one screenful), or by invoking Mission Control.
Anyone found a fix for this?
When trying to log in on certain websites, sometimes it doesn’t allow me to type in the password or username. This also happened once when looking for a video on YouTube. One feature I found out about is it autocorrects when typing things. I actually found this out while typing this comment. lol
Another feature that I found out that has to do with words is that if you three-finger double tap any word in safari you will get the definition of it, much in the same way that if you were to right-click a word and to go “Look up in dictionary”. It looks a little bit like if you use google dictionary on chrome.
Also missing from Lion is a preinstalled Java runtime capable of executing “100% pure” Java apps. There are few examples of Java desktop apps in the wild, so most users won’t notice. Not bundling the runtime will erase a large number of security vulnerabilities from the reported list of issues related to Mac OS X going forward however, as Java exists as a parallel platform to Apple’s native Cocoa.
When users attempt to run a Java app, Lion offers to look online for a version it can install, and will download and install a slightly newer version than is currently available for Snow Leopard today (1.6.0_24-b07-329, rather than 1.6.0_22-b04-307).
Apple announced earlier that it would be working with Oracle to divest itself of maintenance of the Java platform on Macs, setting up a new OpenJDK Project for Java on Mac OS X going forward, starting with the release of Java SE 7.
Apple noted that the Java runtime may be removed from future versions of its operating system, and it appears that will be the case with Lion, albeit with a rather painless install option for users who need it.
And what’s that information going to do for me? I already know Java doesn’t come pre-installed with Lion, but it’s an option to download it via Mac Dev Center if you have access to the resources. Unfortunately, though, your access got pulled and now nobody, that have paid you what you’ve asked indirectly, can get it since it’s only for devs who are authorized to download Lion assets.
right side of menu bar freezes in finder occasionally while left side is active, switch to dash and back and it works again
Does anybody know how to remove this feature (no idea what it’s called, it happens when I hold down a key to repeat a character multiple times)
Has anyone noticed that after a while your windows disappear. Even though the app is open you can’t bring any windows forward. It is so annoying. I have to quit the app and bring it back again.
Also, does anyone else have issues with sound after you plug in your headphones?
Does anyone know how to delete empty page of launchpad?
Speaking of launchpad, some bugs on it which I think it should be fixed anytime soon. Meanwhile, I ilke to share what I experienced with from this launchpad feature:
1. swiping pages sometimes works with
a) 3 fingers only
b) 4 fingers only
c) 3 or 4 fingers both
d) nothing moving unless click on page dots manually.
Also, do you think that not be able to scroll to dashboard from spaces is a bug? I also think a gesture should be added to support Launchpad.
If you tap with two fingers, it opens up expose/spaces… Launchpad should be a three finger tap!
I am glad to see that background images have returned to the terminal. However, it would be nice to see some options to tile/stretch the images…
I would also like to be able to move the new mail labels on top of the preview window, without having to goto classic view… On the side might be great for small screens like the ipad, but my monitor is a 27″ iMac… Just a thought!
Safari tends to be a CPU/memory hog.
For some reason, virtualization got disabled, VMWare 3.1.2 locks up, Paralells 6 says it cannot load the driver and that hardware virtualization is disabled.
I’m running a clean install of Lion on an October 2010 MacBook Pro, 2.4GHz i5, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD.
For some reason half my wallpapers from “Pictures” folder either go crazy with smudged colours everywhere or it tiles pics and cuts them in half and puts the top at the bottom and the bottom at the top. Driving me nuts. Any ideas people?
Does anybody here tested Lion on SMB shares? Searching for files on SMB Shares seem to not work anymore. OSX Snow Leopard was rediculously slow, but Lion seem to not work at all. AD integration is also a pain.
thx bro