Oh Brother: Apple Lost ANOTHER iPhone HD Prototype

Well guys, this is just ridiculous. Apple has lost a 2nd “iPhone HD” prototype. This time, it was found in Vietnam.

Apparently, the man that left with this device not only left with the iPhone, but with an iPad! Mabe a prototype iPad already!

This latest iPhone HD prototype is working (to some extent) and it looks a lot more finished up than the first iPhone prototype that was leaked just a few weeks ago.

Now, we have some more information on this strange new iPhone.

First of all, the screws on the bottom are gone. It looks a lot more polished and, well, “Applely”. A lot of people, including myself didn’t really like the screws and other weird things on the device, and it seems that Apple has fixed that.

It’s also running on some sort of diagnostic OS like other Apple prototypes do. This one is determining battery. This one is dubbed “Inferno”.

Front facing camera is still a go, as well as the bigger camera in the back of the device and the camera flash.

The device also shows “16GB” instead of the “XXGB” found on the previous device.

This also has an Apple branded chip. It may be either a new chip or a scaled down version of the A4.

Well, this may be what we see at WWDC in June! Stay tuned!


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