Today, we pay tribute to all of those who lost their lives on that fateful day in September, 10 years ago. I bet we can all remember what we were doing when the World Trade Center was hit.
I, for one, was getting ready for school. I was in 4th grade. I was called by my dad into the living room to see that something had happened in New York City. There were 2, giant towers, and in one of them, there was smoke. Right as I got to the TV to get a better look, I witnessed the 2nd plane crashing into the 2nd tower.
I was in shock and my dad couldn’t believe what he was seeing either. We immediately called my mom to tell her to come home from work as a provision. I stayed home that day and the next day as well, in fear that school’s may be the terrorists’ next target.
My life changed forever that day.
10 years ago today, we lost nearly 3,000 lives in the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon, as well as the downed plane in Pennsylvania that those brave passengers on flight 93 managed to take control of and evade further tragedy.
God bless America. Never forget. Never surrender.
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