Not even a day after the iOS 4 GM was released to developers, it has already been jailbroken. Please note that this guide is for iPhone 3GS users only and will most likely not last that long as the GM version will be replaced on June 21. The official release by the Dev Team will be available soon. This apparently preserves your baseband so you can unlock your phone with ultrasn0w or blacksn0w.
- PwnageTool (download)
- firmware 4.0 GM for the iPhone 3GS
- iTunes 9.2 Beta
- Jailbreak bundle (download) Place in ‘’
- Latest Cydia build (download)
There are some things that should be mentioned.
- you should have your SHSH-Blobs saved in order to reverse the update and be able to go back to 3.1.2
- Old bootrom (untethered JB) iPhone 3GS required!
- No lockdown patch => you need an official operator SIM to activate.
- You need to restore the ipsw from a recovery mode on a jailbroken 3.1.2 or 4.0 Beta fw; Spirit JB doesn’t patch iBoot and cannot be used to restore to custom firmware.
- You also need to replace Cydia bundle with a newer version because the one in PwnageTool 3.1.5 crashes on 4.0.
Extract the data.tar from deb in 7Zip or other tool and use ‘tar xpvf data.tar’ while in ‘’ directory to update Cydia bundle shipped with PwnageTool.
You need to be on 3.1.2 with redsn0w in order to jailbreak. You can’t jailbreak with 3.1.3 on spirit.
Chino says
I can’t use that bundle how u do it?
Tyrem says
I may be thinking ahead of myself here but do u guys think unlocking iPhone 4 will have the baseband issue like 3.1.3? I kno they will jailbreak it but I want one and I’m not a fan of AT&T…give me your take on this
Chino says
I can’t right click on my Mac? To get ipsw
LEI Mobile says
go to system preferences and then to your mouse and enable right click.
Chino says
Yea got to desktop the longer way
Chino says
In the end of pwntool do I got to shut my phone down or those it auto Mac gose to duf mode?
LEI Mobile says
Chino this is not an official jailbreak from the dev team, so if you are unsure how to do it I would recommend you wait till the iPhone dev team releases the official version of pwnagetool.
Angel says
LEI mobile kicks ass
chino says
i been trying but no luck i guess i will wait
Chino says
Is their anyway going back to 3.1.3 miss my jailbreak for 3GS
Urban says
Chino – it sounds like your trying to run before you can walk bro..
Alan Vazquez says
Or…. You can just email me at and I’ll be glad to help you out. 😉
Chino says
Got it thanks you!!!
chino says
I got it working!!!!!!!! 4.0 gm lol
chino says
jailbrok lol it was easy
chino says
Chris says
OS4 is working fine, but Cydia keeps crashing on startup. I updated the bundle in PwnageTool. Anyone have an idea as to what the problem could be?
Chino says
I had the same problem had to down grade today
Alan Vazquez says
Guys, keep in mind, this really isn’t iOS 4 GM. This shows up as beta 5 in our dev portal. It’s a Gold Master Candidate. Also, the Cydia you used is most definitely NOT the one Saurik has working on iOS 4 GM.
I unfortunately have to wait like everyone else (even though I’m a developer) and I have to wait for the official Pwnage Tool update since I have my iPhone 3G over here and no bundle is out. Also, I don’t want to have to update AGAIN in 7 days.
I can basically guarantee you that this iOS 4 build is NOT the Gold Master we will see in iTunes on June 21st. The iPhone Dev Center lists some known bugs in this latest build that Apple will have to squash by next Monday. (or mabe even next Sunday).
I would hold off (even though I’m DYING TO TRY iOS 4!!!), it’s for the best.