Hey everyone, looks like iBooks for the iPhone and iPod touch is now available! You can click here to go right into iTunes and download it!
Also, if you have an iPad, you can get the neat PDF features with it!
Thanks Matt for letting us know!
Hey everyone, looks like iBooks for the iPhone and iPod touch is now available! You can click here to go right into iTunes and download it!
Also, if you have an iPad, you can get the neat PDF features with it!
Thanks Matt for letting us know!
Just pure luck and timing!
Now if only they would update iDisk and Gallery for iPad native support!!
Lol, still thanks! I probably wouldn’t have caught the news for a bit longer. Lol, they need to update Remote & Apple Store too.
I dont see why they haven’t yet. Master Jobs stressed on stage @ WWDC10 that Devs need to update if they want their Apps to work properly.
Yes, if they want them to work properly on iOS 4 and multitasking. Remember, the iPad is still on iOS 3.2 (even though it has home screen wallpaper, etc. it’s still on iOS 3.x) so no multi-tasking yet.
We will have to wait until the Fall (September). Us devs will probably get the new iOS 4.1 for the iPad next month or August to play around with the OS. I can’t wait. That’s one OS I am definitely updating to, regardless of jailbreak.
Although only because the iPad JB doesn’t really get you much that iOS4 doesn’t have.
My other 3GS (codename: DevPhone) is still on 3.1.3. It is however Factory Unlocked (it was purchased off contract and had to go in for repair so Apple sent me an Unlocked unit back ;P)
Hopefully we get a JB & an Unlock on this new JB.
Yeah, but I always cheer and preach jailbreaking and unlocking, but on the iPad, I don’t really do much other than manage processes on it and free RAM (and use virtual memory). Not much else.
lol, “DevPhone” lol. Lucky! I want a factory unlocked phone but the damn things cost too much.
I wonder if someone could go to an Apple Store in Australia and trade in an old iPhone under warrenty for a factory unlocked one…..
Not sure is AusLand. I, in Canada.
At least the Commonwealth states have some freedom!
The $899 cost for an off contract phone was well worth it. Now if only I could get a free iPhone 4 out of Apple I would be ecstatic!
(i’ve purchased over $ 6000 worth of Apple goodies in the past 12 months; don’t think I can afford an iPhone 4. I’m going to see what sjobs@apple.com has to say…..wish me plenty of luck! I’m gonna need it!!)