- Spirit is an untethered jailbreak for iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch on the latest firmwares.
- Spirit is not a carrier unlock.
- If you currently are using a tethered jailbreak, you have to restore to use Spirit. Do not upgrade if you use an unlock on an iPhone 3G or 3GS. (You can, however, restore to 3.1.2 if you have SHSH blobs for that version).
To Jailbreak Your iPad With Spirit all you have to do is download Spirt, Extract it, connect your iPad to your computer and click Jailbreak. Pretty Easy huh? You can download Spirit here: http://spiritjb.com/
Nice, I don’t have an ipad but my friend has been asking me when he can jailbreak his.. I’ll let him know. Thanks man
Can you jail break a 3GS?
Yeah you can jailbreak a 3GS with this. Not 4.0 beta though.
So I think I want to jailbreak my 3GS just for the benefits of it. I have a couple of questions though. Will all my current apps still be there and be usable? Will all of my other data be there? Will it change anything as far as my at&t service, or does all that current stuff transfer when the jailbreak is done? I guess I just want to know if this is a really simple process, that is a few clicks, then I am done and using my phone, without alot of extra fuss to get it working again.
Yes everything will stay the same except you will gain a Cydia icon. Cydia is the appstore for the jailbroken world.
Also if anything goes wrong or you want to get back from where you started just restore your iPhone from backup.