Welcome to the New LEI. We will have lots of Reviews, Tutorials, FAQs, and Contests here.
You can view are older Reviews here: http://limitededitioniphone.com/tag/review/
You can view are older FAQs here: http://limitededitioniphone.com/category/faq/
Where is all the news ? This isnt the lei im used to
I know, chill. E-mail me for an explanation.
Yes, I would like to know as well. Does this have to do with getting back into Apple’s good graces?
Whatcha mean? lol, we’ve been here for over a year. The reason I couldn’t talk about it back then is because we were conducting a beta. Today, we have been over a year into the transition into the new site. We are still LimitedEditioniPhone but we have basically updated our domain name, new apps, and updated the look of our site. It’s still us writing the news though. 😛