If you want $5 to Best Buy for only putting in a minute of work, this is what you have to do.
1. Make sure you have a Game Center account and are logged in. This will work on the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad.
2. Download the game Sushi Boy Thunder
3. Play the game (only takes a minute or so) and after you die, there will be an ad at the top of your screen to claim your free $5 Best Buy Rewards Zone certificate, which is 25o points. Once you click on the ad, just enter your email address and they will email you the code and instructions on how to redeem it.
Please note that for some reason this does not work on jailbroken devices. The ad never shows up. Here is how to get the certificate if you are on a jailbroken device:
Download iFile from Cydia.
Go to the applications folder and rename all of these apps if you have them. Most people just have cydia, so rename it to something like Cydia1.app.
Next go to /private/var/lib/apt and rename that folder to apt1.
Now go play the game a few times and you should see the add load up at the top after the iAd has already loaded.
You will get an email that says:
Here’s your 250 Best Buy® Reward Zone® Points |
This email includes a code worth 250 Reward Zone points, good for a $5 reward certificate. Reward certificates are good toward your next purchase
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