Are you getting the error “You do not have access to this resource based on your membership,” when you try to download Mac OS X Lion?
It seems as the fix to this is that you will need to log out of the development portal, reset your browser, and reboot. Try it again and you should have access to the preview of OS X Lion if you were invited to the development team. (You would of received an invite email direct from Apple with a code to sign up).
Incoming search terms:
- you do not have access to this resource based on your membership
for users experiencing an issue where after they register using the invite to register and log in, and still do not have access to the Lion section. follow these instructions:
1)go back to the original invite e-mail
2)click on the invite link again
3)click continue
4)sign on using that same account (this time you wont be asked all those questions
5)copy and paste the invitation code in this window
6)click continue again
7)you should now have access to the lion section
I followed all of the instructions exactly but it’s not working. I get to the “Accept an invitation to join a development team” page, enter the code I was sent in the Apple e-mail and click on “Submit”. The page loads, but it just stays on that page. ????
Update…these instructions didn’t work. See my note below.
I’ve followed the instructions too but no dice. It looks like Apple has kicked me (us) out of the team for good.
The Lion installer App has disappeared from my App Store “Purchases” page, never to be seen again.
It seems like a waste of $10 but I guess in the end it was a gamble after all.
That worked for me.
It says I already am a member i would like my 10 back please
Same here…says I’m already a member of the team and then when I try to download Lion it takes me back to the “You do not have access…” page.
same with me earlier today i was able to access the developer area but now im greeted with “you are not authorized to view this page”
Same here… tried both solutions on this page but nothing happens. I hope lei mobile gives us an honest response/solution.
At least some of you managed to download Lion, I didn’t since I had a problem with the download and then it wouldn’t download again.
I even tried signing up as a new account, but when I use the code from Apple it says that “This invitation has already been accepted.” Now what?
same problem here…
“You do not have access to this resource based on your membership.”
none of the solutions worked.
APPLE’S site seems to be having issues at the moment. Please wait a bit.
Same exact problem as others are reporting. It’s 18:13 PST now. When should we check again?
Apple has ended the program. Sorry.
Then how will you be arranging for refunds?
if you have already redeemed the promo code you are fine. Also we were not selling access to lion we were give access away for free for people who helped to support leimobile.
And if none of this worked?
What do you think will happen if the code I redeemed started the download but it got interrupted and then it failed to download again? It got stuck on the “doing nothing” Install button.
Do you think I will be able to download it once the “bug” they had is fixed? or should I just turn the page and find it in other ways?
so, to be clear if we didn’t get the code to download the preview from the AppStore we just wasted 10$, that’s it ?
Program is over?
For now. Sorry.
No, just these guys’ smart move.
Whats the deal with this ??I have tried all the steps and it says I dont have access to the LION portion of the dev site?
What is the real deal here? You are going to get a really bad name if you don’t explain what has happened. What is meant by “Apple has ended the program”?
Apple has kicked us out of the program. We are trying to get reestablished so sorry.
ok, thanks. So does that mean you were kicked out of the Developers Program? If that is the case then that really sucks and I’m sorry to hear that.
For now. We are trying to reestablish with them.
If and when you get back in, will I be as well? Will I still be a member of your team? I never got a chance to download Xcode 4.1…
Don’t get me wrong. I think this was a great idea to allow many people the ability to beta test Lion but it has closed abruptly without a real explanation leaving some out in the cold.
LEI Mobile, please ignore. You responded while I was typing.
So, essentially we spent $10 for one day of access to the dev portal? I remember I even asked you before I made a donation, how long I would have access. You said one year, that’s how long you had a dev account for. Now that you got kicked out you owe us a refund. Or open a new dev account and put us all back on there. Next time try not to promise something you can’t deliver, I am sorry I donated to you.
we did not promise anything and you were donating to our site and app development. We were not selling spots on our dev team. We were giving them away to potential contractors. We will hopefully be back soon.
Do you have any type of update on, if and when you’ll get back in?
Not yet. We will let everyone know as soon as we find out.
Keep us informed. I installed Lion but I forgot to install the Java Web Components and Xcode 4.1. I can live without them, but it’d be nice to mess around with programming for Lion and, hell, I won’t lie, I miss the Pokemon Laboratory applet 😛