So it’s nearing the end of the Holiday season and it’s time for the aftermath of the chaos of having relatives and children over and playing around with your stuff and you notice a few treasured toys are broken/damaged.
You come to find that your iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, or iPad has gotten some form of hurt and you think it’s time to send it in for repairs. BUT, WAIT A MINUTE!!! If you send it back to Apple they will probably just send you a refurbished device in return and bye bye jailbreak. So it’s time to put on your tinkering hat or send it to a place that will just replace the broken parts.
These are the nifty toys you need to make sure are safe and intact (ESPECIALLY if you have a factory unlock) 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad and iPod Touch 3g+ logic boards are where the SHSH blobs correspond to and that means if you get a new one of those, bye bye SHSH and bye bye ability to downgrade in case you accidentally upgrade to a firmware not yet jailbreakable.
Now I know what you are thinking. “Limera1n exploit will work on any current iOS device, so why should I care?” Well the reason you should care is this. Limera1n will work on every current iOS device and firmware as tethered for certain.
Speaking currently to untether jailbreak 4.2.1 you require 4.2b3 SHSH blobs which are linked to your logic board. If you replace your logic board (when it isn’t broken) you just burned yourself out of being able to untether. The same goes if a way to use 4.1 in a future
jailbreak happens.
The concept here is, If your iOS device is busted, make sure you save your logic board if possible.
Incoming search terms:
- ipad board repair
- ipad logic board
- iphone 4 logic board
- iphone 4 logic board buy
Speaking of 4.2b3 blobs.. I have my shsh’s saved but don’t know where to loate this ipsw in order to untether jailbreak my iphone 4 and you guys really sound like you know what your talking about.. Little help?
Vinny the only way to get the 4.2B3 IPSW is to be a register dev member. We can still add you to our team with a $10 donation.
Fast response.. So how would this work?
I send you guys a donation & …
you would have legal access to the file. I could send you the link to download it and you will have access to all other iOS beta releases
Legendary! Done deal..
Noticed you guys havnt been rated in the AppStore yet, might have to put and end to that!
Worked like a charm.. Thanks Mike, don’t suppose there’s any chance in receiving the iPad ipsw?
Liking what you’ve you guys have done with the app by the way!
Thanks again
You can get the iPad ipsw as well with the dev registration you got. (I assume you have bought a dev registration). You have access to every upcoming beta (and apparently the older betas) from Apple for the next few months as well. 🙂
Sorry Alan, I’m fairly new.. Could you point me in the right direction?
Thank you
Yeah, I can try to look for the link to the 4.2 beta 3 ipsw for the iPad. 🙂 I never bothered with it because I had my files saved from the beta testing period. I’ll let you know when I have more information. 🙂
Thanks Alan, you guys are really helpful here at LEI
Hey, it’s no problem at all. 🙂 We like to help people, if we didn’t, we would have all quit years ago. 🙂
Any suggestions as to extreme battery drain after jb/unlock n bb upgrade iOS 4.1 bb 6.15.00 using rs 9.6.5 n us 1.2
Did you officially activate? The only battery drain issue I know of is when you don’t activate correctly so the iPhone continuously attempts to activate which causes battery drain