It looks like you will soon be able to buy an iPhone directly from Apple with out signing a 2 year contract with AT&T.
A leaked internal document states that anyone can now purchase an iPhone without signing a contract with AT&T. You are limited to purchasing 10 in a lifetime though. That seems a little weird, but as soon as we receive more information we will let you know.
Pricing is:$499 for the iPhone 3G 8GB, $599 for the iPhone 3GS 16GB, and $699 for the iPhone 32GB.
We are being told that these are not unlocked, so you can still only use these on AT&T and will not be able to use them overseas.
brandon says
gee is the contract between Apple and AT&T over now? or is it nearing the end?
LEI says
I think it is almost up or they are cleaning out inventory for the new iPhone 4G