[IMPORTANT UPDATE]: Well, it looks as if their website is still down, but here is a mirror: click here to download
[UPDATE 2]: MuscleNerd has said that they will be updating the Pwnage Tool with Chronic’s exploit (if they get permission, which I think they will) in the next few days. Stay tuned…
Hey guys, even more news hitting you today. It looks as if the Chronic Dev Team has released a full iOS 4.2.1 untether jailbreak for all iOS devices!
The only downside is that you need a Mac, so if you aren’t like us and own a Mac, either find a friend that has one or wait just a little longer, because a PC version is on the way!
What devices does this work for?
All iOS devices that can run iOS 4.2.1. 🙂
What about ATV2?
For some reason, NitoTV says that it doesn’t work with Apple TV 2G. He says “I am not at liberty to speak more about that at this time”. Very weird…